Christ Ahnsahnghong(The 2nd Coming Christ) God the Mother(Heavenly Mother) The word of God (New Covenant Passover) Truth

[WMSCOG] The goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls_World Mission Society Church of God

The members of the World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) celebrate the Passover including the Feasts of God, as Jesus Christ did 2,000 years ago, following all the teachings of the New Covenant. But so many churches around the world do not keep this precious Passover that is the way of salvation. Why indeed?  Which one […]

The word of God (New Covenant Passover) Uncategorized WMSCOG NEWS

[Germany News] World Mission Society Church of God in German, clean-up _WMSCOG

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) follows the example of God the Mother(Heavenly Mother) and practice <Mother’s teachings>. And all the members of WMSCOG are trying to deliver ‘love and sacrifice of Christ Ahnsahnghong who came to this earth for our salvation‘ to the whole world. Below is a helpful short UCC about WMSCOG. [Berliner Woche from Germany] […]